Sep 25Liked by Andrew James

Excellent advice Andrew.

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Sep 25Liked by Andrew James

I recently sorted through my arts and crafts supplies. Some I sold, some I donated to schools, but my favorite was donating to a senior women’s group that meets up to do crafts. I was really satisfied with that one. They were so happy and excited!

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I love this post so much. I’ve been sorting through everything this year and working out what I need to use and what should be passed on to someone else who will get better use out of it. Lots of paints. I don’t paint much and when I do, I tend to use, the same old little watercolour kit I’ve had for years. And paint doesn’t do well left in tubes. Especially when it’s been opened. I can always buy more paint when I have more time to actually paint.

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Thanks Alex.

Always a good idea to sort out what you need and don't need. New gear can be fun, but it can also be a distraction. I know I come back to my old favourites.

BTW, and you probably know this but in case anyone reading this doesn't: dried up watercolour and gouache can both be rescued. Cut open the tube, put it into a container and spritz with water. Cover, leave it to sit overnight and give it a mix. Should be good to go now.

Dried up acrylic can be used as a paperweight, and I don't know anything about oil paints except that they're stinky.

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I’m getting away from plastics where I can, so that watercolour/gouache trick is a top tip, thanks!

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I have piles and piles of notebooks/sketchbooks and markers. So. Many. Markers. My great grandchildren will be coloring in these notebooks with these markers

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Thank you for this reminder. I know for me amassing art supplies is a form of procrastination. Took a while to figure that out as I thought I needed all the tubes, papers, pens, etc. in order to create anything... HA!

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Many of us have this habit of postponing creating to a date of time, when we are better at it. That time perhaps may be going further and further. We forget the most important aspect of creativity that it is a step by step learning and not a hop from one stage to another. It never happens like that. Therefore, we creators should create everyday something or other so that we are sharpening our skills for better everytime we do that.

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Great post. I do the same. I love art supplies and notebooks… I have quite a bit of both and yeah…that creative wave will hit any moment, I can feel it…

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I think we are all the same when it comes to art supplies. I have several varieties of paint, mainly due to seeing what someone has created with them and thinking, hmm I’d like to give this a go. Just recently it was the water soluble wax crayons. A variety of papers, brushes and journals, the latter not being something I have used much, other than when I have been confined, originally with lockdowns and now due to surgery, three weeks with my feet up so the journal came out to test my skills in different areas, so much easier to sketch and draw than paint when sitting on the couch. Thank you for an informative post this week.

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That is very relatable. There is kind of a trap of novelty with art supplies. It is SO much easier to buy something new than it is to make another picture, but making another picture is way more rewarding.

I hope the recovery goes well. Taking this time as an extended sketchbook session sounds like a good plan to me.

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I buy more than I will ever use and will need to live to 120 at least to use it all. So this year has been a year for going through everything and trying my hardest to part with stuff I’ll probably never get around to using and not worrying too much about the old “Murphys Law” that once I get rid of it I’ll need it. I guess if I do I”ll just have to buy it again.

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